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How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Messenger

Do you think someone blocked you from messaging them on Facebook? There are five popular methods to find out if someone blocked you on Facebook Messenger.

How to Find out if Someone has Blocked you on Facebook Messenger

It is your dear friend Frankie here again to teach you more Messenger tricks. Today, you will learn how to tell if somebody has blocked you on Facebook Messenger.

I am sure that you have sent a message to a friend of yours on Facebook Messenger and have yet to receive a reply. You might then believe that you were blocked.

So naturally, you rushed on the Internet and found useful information on how to determine if you've been blocked on Facebook Messenger and you ended up here on my tutorial.

Now, you want to know if I can actually help you here? Well, I would like to think so.

Today's article is all going to be about the signs that can lead you to the conclusion that somebody has blocked you. These will work on both the mobile application and through Facebook on the web with the online application of Facebook Messenger.

Starting here! I would like to point out a small and critical detail.

Much like many other messaging apps out there, there are no specific tools to give you a definitive answer as to whether or not you have been blocked. Instead, you find useful tips to determine whether this might be the case, but you cannot learn with full absolute certainty. The only way to do this is through a spy app for Facebook Messenger that I will talk about at the bottom of this page. Understood?

Let's not waste any more time and get right to the meat of this article.

Take a few minutes to get comfortable because you will want to read all the information I provided in the upcoming paragraphs. With a little bit of patience and luck you can find out if you were blocked on Messenger and by who.

As always, I wish you a pleasant reading and luck with what you intend to find out.


Frankie's Take:

Blocking is an action available to all users and gives them the ability to prevent any of their contacts from accessing certain lines of communication. Once you are blocked, you can no longer send messages to the intended recipient.

Foreword of Facebook Messenger Blocking Before We Begin

Before we get into some of the tips and tricks that can show you how to determine if you have been blocked, there is some information you might wish to know:

  • There is no stock tool or software available that can tell you if you have been blocked/denied access to conversations. The only way is by using a keylogger.
  • You can often determine if you have been blocked on Messenger by the status icon hooked to the messages you are sending. For example, if you send a message to someone and this message is not delivered to its recipient (as made evident by the blank check mark displayed) it is a good possibility you were blocked.
  • If you can see the individual's Facebook profile, it does not mean that you have not been independently blocked on the Messenger application. Blocking someone on Facebook and blocking someone on Messenger are two distinct actions.
  • If you, and the person who blocked you, are in the same group chat, Facebook informs the person who blocked you about this in advance. This gives that person the choice to join the group and view your messages or not. This does not remove their block against you directly.

Trust this guide to help you answer questions that I've been asked on this topic over the past several years.

But enough talk – you want to get some answers!


Frankie's Take:

For more information, you can also go to the Facebook Help Center. You can also likely benefit from understanding how blocking works by reviewing my tutorial on How to Block Someone on Facebook Messenger.

Top 5 Ways to See If You Were Blocked on Facebook Messenger

If anyone blocks you on Messenger, there's not going to be an alert or notification that this action was taken. You get no closure or even knowledge as to why it might have occurred. All you could ever hope for is that you were already spying on their Facebook conversations using advanced software. But this is unlikely.

So how do you know it even happened?

I put together 5 methods to determine where you stand with being blocked and we'll cover each of these in greater detail.

With these options, I added a reliability coefficient rating (RC) on a scale of 1 to 100. This will show you how reliable or trustworthy any information gathered with this method might actually be.

Five ways to determine who blocked you on Facebook Messenger includes:

  • Online and Activity Status
  • Sending a Message
  • Voice/Video Calling
  • Using a Profile Picture
  • Facebook Messenger Tracking

No more delays here – let's get to it.


Frankie's Take:

A block is not permanent, so it can be removed at any time without any limitations. That is, according to Facebook Messenger. All you need to do is to access chat settings, disable relevant options, and the job is done. Changes will be applied instantly, and everything can go back to operating the way it used to.

1. Online and Activity Status (RC 80%)

One of the first steps I would recommend for anyone believing they were blocked is to check the online status information of the contact you believe has blocked you.

If you have been blocked, the suspected blocker will not show up in the list of available contacts you can speak with if they are actively using Facebook Messenger.

If you wish to see this list, you can open up the app on your device and press on the People icon. Next, you can see users who are online by tapping on the term Active and scrolling through the list that appears.

Users marked with a green dot are those currently using the service, or those that have used it within the last several minutes. Any others listed are those that have not been online for some time.

online status information Facebook Messenger

If your suspected contact does not appear on either of these lists, it is not far to leap to suspect that you might have been blocked.

Also, you can find information from their activity status as well.

Let me give you a little more detail.

You will find a timestamp underneath each of your contacts showing when that user was last online or if they are actively on Facebook Messenger right now. If there is just a blank space without specific information, it is likely that you have been blocked.


Frankie's Take:

Don't forget that it is possible they modified their privacy settings and therefore, made this information unavailable to everyone. If they are using third party apps to disguise their messaging actions, this can also change information you might use. There are possibilities of getting a false positive as to whether or not you have been blocked.

2. Sending a Message (RC 90%)

Another method that you can identify whether you have been blocked on Facebook Messenger is by noting the status of sent messages.

If you have sent a message to someone and they have blocked you before you sent it, you will see a message on the screen stating that the user cannot receive messages at this time. From the application for the browser, once you open this conversation, you can see a message at the bottom telling you that " You can't reply to this conversation ".

Still one more thing that you should consider period since Facebook Messenger added statuses, you can tell if components of conversations have been sent, received, and read. If messages are staying in a sent state for a long period, there are only a couple of reasons this could happen.

  • The user does not have Messenger installed on their device, or they no longer use Facebook.
  • You have been blocked from communication, so your message was never received.

status of sent messages on Facebook Messenger

It is not always easy to determine which of these options it might be. If you notice a recipient is using Facebook and posting on their page, commenting on other posts, and otherwise just being active, they have not given up their profile.

If you see this, and your message is not getting received, it is likely you are blocked.


Frankie's Take:

When the message "You can't reply to this conversation" appears, Chances are very high that you've been blocked. While still not 100% certain, the odds are high that this might be the case.

3. Voice/Video Calling (RC 95%)

Perhaps you want to narrow down information and make your margin of certainty even closer. To find out if someone blocked you should try to give them a voice or video call through Facebook Messenger.

If you have been blocked, buttons to complete this action are no longer available on your chat screen. If they are but you still have been blocked, an error message will appear when you try to use them. The difference here is what version of Facebook Messenger you have installed.

If you contact the user and they do not respond, you can see the word "calling" appear on the screen. If you are blocked, this word will not appear. The screen will continue displaying "Contacting" instead, which might mislead those who are inexperienced. This instead indicates that you are not allowed to access this user and not at all that they are currently unavailable.

This rule only applies to the Facebook Messenger app for phones and tablets. If you are accessing the chat from the browser and Facebook, those buttons will always be available. The difference is, once a call starts, you will see a message showing that the user you are attempting to contact is not reachable.

From the Facebook Messenger application on web browsers, on the other hand, regardless of whether a person enabled the function for receiving calls or blocked a user, buttons described here are never present.


Frankie's Take:

You might be able to use the unavailability of contacts in your Facebook Messenger list to determine if you have been blocked. Remember, if a person has disabled that feature in their settings, they will not be able to receive calls from you either.

4. Using a Profile Picture (RC 30%)

Perhaps over the last few days you've sent messages through Facebook Messenger and have not received a response. If you look at their profile, and see that their profile picture has changed in this time that you have not received a reply, this could indicate that you have been blocked.

Clearly, this can also mean that they have not logged into Facebook chat or taking the time to read your messages specifically.

Regardless, changing a profile picture indicates that activity happened on the account and might suggest that the person is using Facebook and not receiving the messages you sent. This is among the more unreliable options to determine whether you have been blocked from Facebook Messenger.


Frankie's Take:

This is a weaker technique to find out if somebody blocked you and should be used more as an additional test to verify a conclusion. There are many people who use Facebook, but they may not access Messenger to check their chats.

5. Facebook Messenger Tracking (RC 100%)

Now what I wish to share with you can be among the most helpful approaches, especially for those looking to catch a suspicious partner you feel has blocked you to hide their misdeeds.

Now there is an app available to track everything happening on a Facebook profile, but also across other messaging services and social media platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat.

If you want access to all of these conversations and know when I contact is online, also to find out if you have been blocked on Facebook Messenger by your partner, this is a sure approach.

So, let's introduce you to the app that could change your life.

I am talking about mSpy. This is the most heavily used spy app of its kind throughout the world.

The service works on iPhones and Androids alike, and is completely invisible when installed. To run the software, you will need about 10 minutes alone with the target device, and in some cases, you can even run it remotely. To help you, I have a detailed installation guide full of videos and images to ensure that the installation goes smoothly.

If you choose to check out the guide, you will get all the information you need to help you, as well as a voucher for the purchase of the software exclusively for readers of my blog.


Frankie's Take:

With mSpy, thousands have learned the truth about their partner's infidelity or at the very least, learned if they have been blocked on platforms with complete certainty.

Things That Disable Blocking on Facebook Messenger

If you've not received or applied to a chat you already started on Facebook Messenger, it could be that your contact has decided to delete themselves from Facebook rather than blocking you.

In order to confirm this, you will only need to follow a few steps.

  • Facebook Messenger App for Phones and Tables or Web Version – if you see a message stating that you can't answer when you open an existing chat, it is almost certain the user has deactivated his use of the service or deleted themselves directly from Facebook in the first case, you will not even be able to view their profile picture.
  • Facebook Chat – if you open an existing chat and try to send a message, you will see a warning that the recipient is currently unavailable. They may have deactivated the service or unsubscribed from Facebook, and in the first case would make their profile picture unviewable.

Also, if you see status indicators from your last chat, this can help you to confirm your block theory. If they are still there, the user has not blocked you. If they are missing, it might be because of one of the above listed conditions.


What Do You Do If You Are Blocked?

If you have gone through all these steps and determine that you are likely blocked on Facebook Messenger, the following steps can help you decide how to act on this information.

A single piece of advice that I might provide in this time is to ignore the situation and wait for clarity. If you cannot think of a reasonable excuse that you might have been blocked by this user, it is possible they are just doing it for your attention.

I would even suggest that you turn around and block them back, so they don't have access to the information and posts you are making, either.

If you must contact this user, try to do so with an application like Telegram or WhatsApp. This will work if you know their phone number. If you don't have this information, you can choose to use shared social media platforms like Instagram instead.

Is it Possible to Unblock Yourself?

As you can likely gas, there's no method of unblocking your profile if it happens.

If you've been blocked by a certain user, only they can decide when you've been exiled for long enough. No third-party app can overcome this wall.

Unfortunately, the only credible method available is to ask to be unblocked directly.

It is not always easy to accomplish this, however. Try to reach out on another service, create a second profile for this, or use your phone to talk or text them directly so that you can apologize or make things right.

If You Get Blocked on Messenger, Are You Blocked on Facebook Too?

In a brief word, the answer to this question is no. I should explain.

A contact can choose to only block you on one service or the other. They can choose to block you on both as well. You can easily determine if you've been blocked on Facebook by using the search bar. Search for the suspected user's profile.

If your contact is not among the results that you receive, there are only two reasons for this:

  • They are no longer on Facebook
  • They blocked your profile

Frankie's Take:

One of the foolproof methods that I have is to ask a friend that is mutual. If this friend is still seeing and interacting with the suspected blocker on Facebook regularly, there is no doubt that you have been cut from the communication line for some reason.


Now, we have reached the end of this guide. Hopefully, you have received enough information so that you can determine with certainty if you have been blocked on Facebook Messenger or not.

To ensure that you did not miss something, let's take a quick moment and look over what information was covered throughout this guide.

I showed you four methods of determining which of your contacts might have blocked you on messenger. These included:

  1. Online and Activity Status
  2. Sending a Message
  3. Voice/Video Calling
  4. Using a Profile Picture

Additionally, I also showed you my James Bond spy program that provides 100% reliability to this question: mSpy.

this is software that works on iPhones, Androids, and computers. It connects with Facebook and other services to spy on conversations and daily activity. I have a guide on how this program works and how to install it in under 3 minutes.

Have any questions or concerns? You can use the comment box below to reach out with me so that I can get back with you in a timely manner. Come back often for more information and updates about this and other topics.

Readers should also follow us on YouTube for video tutorials and see exclusive content on our Facebook and Pinterest profiles.

A hug,


PS – Sometimes just learning you were blocked is not enough. You must figure out why. This is understandable. Did they want to hide something from you? Are they running your name into the ground, and you cannot defend yourself? Unfortunately, there are countless reasons. I have a guide that is all about spying on Facebook that can help you read Messenger conversations.

How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Messenger
